Thursday, March 7, 2019


- from 'story'

here i will begin to explain about or at least try to describe my psych condition

princess farahnaz

so dave, kris, henry, and my chemistry professor, professor congdon, was a dragon soldier and passed away just before or just after i posted in 'story' about them ?

so kurt once walked all the way down water street to ask me something after high school

it was something i think many of the people who knew me wondered

i told him i didnt want to talk about it because that was true and i was correct not to because i really didn't know what happened but i guess i've learned and recalled enough  to take a jab at it now

kirstjen nielsen was raised in clearwater florida which is pretty much controlled by scientology

scientology believes spirit beings called thetans take over people and can be detected by e meters

i became schizophrenic in north st pete fla after finding a hypnotic trigger and for 21 years i tried to figure out what toxins gave me sz until one day a little ball about 3/5 of an inch in diameter dropped from my brain into my mouth, pushed through my cheek hopped onto my shoulder then hopped to the ground

it hopped back up and crossed my chest and waited

i asked it if it wanted to go back inside my head because it seemed to hop nicely

so i picked it up and put it back into my mouth where it rose up back into my brain

the whole time it was outside my head i was no longer schizophrenic my mind was perfectly silent and clear

then the cartoon images began kind of growing until they were just like before

- being liberal fb page

'cugel's saga'

when i was in jail and psychotic after receiving a hypnotic trigger in clearwater the girl that came to my cell that looked like the receptionist at carol cable during the late 80s who would blink every time i said something should be done - and later they all came true - only i realized a few years ago i was probably unconscious when i met her there after having been strapped to a restraining board and given a shot in the butt that knocked me out because i had tried to kill myself when i had thought she was being tortured and i had heard her voice tell me to because she thought i gave in to the torturers' demands - asked me what my favorite book was and i said 'cugel's saga'

5 years later i was up at 1:00 am cooking some burgers in the trailer in the trailer park next to the seafood restaurant where gandy blvd meets 4th street in st pete and cugel knocked on my door holding a bottle of beer from the restaurant and he starts banging on the door yelling at me to let him in so i called 911 and he left

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