Thursday, November 23, 2017


tangent from the story and the burton post is what happened to certain note books...

ms aronson was our creative writing professor at bcc and made it part of the curriculum for us to keep a daily journal to practice writing and putting our observations down on paper

after the class ended many of us kept up the journals

  • i used mine to write ideas and potential inventions, which i was always enamored with, drawings and poems/lyrics 

a number of my notebooks disappeared while whoever or whatever took them left things of practical value be

i mention it because burton snowboards will hopefully be designing new snowboard boots and gloves to fit the rapidly growing vegan market

vegan pepper steak

- twitter

two of the notebooks that turned up mia were simply of ideas for inventions and one of them was for kevlar inner sole shoe liners to protect construction workers and others from stepping on nails and other sharp objects

the inner sole liners could be sold separately

surgical tubing could be attached nozzles on the boots with air passages leading down into the boots so you could exhale warm air into the boots with a face mask or have a body heat bladder fill and pump the air from pumps in the boot heels 

there could be water proof ports in the boots that could be opened and closed when it is too hot or too cold

an extension on the toe of the outer sole could have threaded bolt holes molded into them

the snowboard boots could also be used for x-country skiing, skating and rollerblading which would add value

maybe there could be set screws on the heel as well so rollerblade wheels, ice skate blades, etc could be attached like farm utensils to a tractor

drew drawing of a three wheels on each wheel cart in one of the notebooks

they weren't high tech national security ideas just fun practical things that i would like to see exist and maybe they already did

there were also some poems and prose in earlier notebooks that went awol

i want to say that i think some of the poems turned up as popular songs but i have no way to be certain unless the notebooks are someday rediscovered

- l a times edgar bronfman sr obit 2013

it sounds crazy but i really was part of an experiment in the 10th grade and i recently discovered the experiment was ongoing

i just found out a little while ago the williams college professor who did the experiment on us lived next door to my best friend's home which i began hanging out alot at after the 10th grade - they were like a second family

it get much stranger tho

i once was walking along a long straight sidewalk outside of a mcdonald's in st pete looking straight ahead and i saw 3 people who seemed to simply appear about halfway down the sidewalk who continued walking toward me

i said 'hi' and they replied 'hi' as they passed

for years i thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me but just recently i found out teleportation was invented in our home town by professor wooters

i also saw 2 visions or dreams that must have occured through time travel 

i saw 2 strange human like creatures and a pretty girl when i was about in the 10th or 11th grade waking from a dream 

i didn't know who they were because i had never heard of the x men back then, but later i became an x men fan

it were wolverine, sabretooth and a girl i would later meet when i was 7 years older in rochester ny

i had sent them back in time to protect the girl and keep her safe when i was being terribly attacked much later in my life after i found the hypnotic trigger that gave me schizophrenia after working a day labor ticket at mcdill air force base which i would later learn was the headquarters for the military's psyops programs

you're probably thinking i misplaced the notebooks - i do not believe so - the notebook in st pete had nowhere to be lost except a 7'x8' space which i cleaned and searched for thoroughly without discovery of the missing notebook

similarly in van buren the whole 4 room apt was totally cleaned and  searched  no notebook

in massachusetts the notebooks that went missing were carried with me as i went about my day so they could have possibly been misplaced except for one that was in my father's army backpack which someone stole as it was left outside a convenience store in pittsfield for 3 minutes while i got a cup of coffee on my way to the laundromat

the notebooks definitely disappeared in 3 states for some real reason, and if i was still being studied by williams college or someone else, perhaps they are aware of where the notebooks are presently located

when i had free time - and this is a very enjoyable idea if you haven't tried it, especially when you aren't feeling well  - i'd just lay around dreaming up strange and useful - to me - ideas


usually by combining or trying to improve ideas that already existed like the back pack jacket or the umbrella cane putter

it's fun - let's do one :

how about windows ?

what could you do with broken window glass if your window breaks ?

you could lay it in clear silicone caulk an maybe stain the individual broken pieces of glass different colors then attach the whole thing to a frame of 2x4 s drill a hole in the center get a clock mechanism and an l e d battery light and...well then you'd have to keep changing the batteries every 3 or 4 days in the l e d back to the drawing board...

you see that's how it would work then you would try to add a solar panel to recharge the batteries etc...

then while that's swimming around in the back of your head you come up with the idea for a window clock a window that is also a clock and maybe a thermometer etc...

it's fun !

then you write them down in your notebook !

repurposed broken and unused glass art from pinterest the green ones are bottle bottoms :

a plane just crashed into a house in winter haven, florida the instructor pilot was killed everyone else survived an idea i wrote in one of the note books was for an inflatable helium filled emergency parachute balloon which might save lives tho helium is become depleted

  • there is a place in north st pete called toytown im not sure what it used to be before it was a landfill - i had heard people who were of diminuative stature who worked for the carnivals once had a town of their own there - but one day i rode my bike down there and saw a parasailer with a gas powered fan flying around

i don't think his parasail was inflated with helium tho

ok so i wasn't going to tell about the individual songs because i didn't want to ruin them or harm the artists that created them because some of them are my favorite songs and the artists rendition or whatever you call it made them great & popular

but what i've learned over the last 12 years since i began writing and telling about the things that happened to me is that the more i tell the more i learn

then - the more i learn the more i can tell

it is kind of the opposite of the cold war mentality the i and the people i grew up with had instilled into us from the threat we believed we faced from communism

now we have an opportunity to communicate openly to all of our nation's former enemies and maybe we, as individual citizens of the world connected through public internet can forge some kind of, if not peace, at least a truer understanding

so the bronfman obit says edgar jr bought mca in the 1990s and the first song i heard i thought the lyrics were one of my journal's  'poems' was 'ordinary world' by duran duran

i heard this song when i was sitting in a laundromat in downtown st pete and i remember thinking that sounds like one of my poems ! 

but the timeline appears to be messed up i'm pretty sure by 1993 when the album was released i was living in north st pete and would have gone to the laundromat at the gateway crossing shopping center 

i wrote a lot of the journal's 'poems' while doing a work study job at the rec lounge activities director's office at bcc i was camped out behind the champion factory outlet on west housatonic st in pittsfield and would stop at the mobil station to get coffee and an ice cream sandwich then would ride my bicycle into the college stopping at a berkshire eagle newspaper box on the way once in a while to get a paper

i remember reading about something horrible that happened in the war going on at the time in afghanistan it was during when the russians invaded and it made me angry that they were using horrific violence in god's name

a lot of the 'poems' were about lynne and this were written in the fall of 1985 when i worked at the office after lynne had graduated in the spring before and had left williamstown and i remember feeling really sad and missing her

there were always strange things happening to me and it made it seem like this was some kind of epic interesting life especially when i became obsessed with lynne - life seemed like a novel that i was a character in and later i found out maybe it was

i had ached to see lynne so badly one summer i got on my sister's old beat up bicycle with a screw driver, a pair of pliers, $10 and a recorded cassette with tom petty's 'the waiting' on it and rode to brooklyn in 24 hrs

when they took my dad's back pack they had stolen all the clothes i had so i wore green sweat pants and my friend's green hunting shirt for a month 

i once dived into the pond out behind the community college when it had a layer of ice on it to see what it would feel like and to not be afraid of it - it felt like a heart attack !

i was trying to get people to sign a masspirg petition and had to put out someone's car's engine fire with it

once threw a golf ball at phil grande's helicopter and the helicopter stopped, turned in a looping arc and hunted for me

i once unplugged the juke box in the cafeteria to stop a song that was driving my friend and i nuts because someone kept playing it over and over and it got put in a newspaper cartoon

i once met a girl who i immediately thought was the prettiest girl in the world while walking up alexander street in rochester new york and we hung out together for about a month until she left for florida, then after i got home i forgot about her after falling off a roof only to remember her again maybe 6 months later after hearing the song 'wuthering heights' on the college radio station

i once was arrested in north charleston, s c for getting a cup of coffee from a dumpster behind a borders/starbucks because wells fargo wouldn't let me get the $7 I had in my account with out my i d they had locked up in their vault

a dragonfly flew in front of my face in the same direction i was walking on my path in the saw palmento slash pine jungle near i-275 in north st pete and i said to myself that it was warning me of danger ahead I walked on much more cautiously looking for human forms in the woods perceiving them to be the most dangerous threat when i heard a rattlesnake rattle and leaped far up into the air as my foot came withing inches of stepping on a diamondback rattlesnake that was at least 8" thick

saw a helicopter land near my near the same area in the cul de sac behind the credit rating agency equifax (which flew a brazilian flag) and someone in it apparently stole my bicycle

promoted bernie in 2015 and was hit by cars 3 times in one day in caribou, maine (susan collins' hometown) the first 2 times I was walking in the the crosswalk the third time the guy in the pick up truck put his car in reverse to purposely hit me

only i turned to yell at the second guy in an suv  and he looked just like bono in fact i think it might have been bono

i was accepted into the Annapolis naval academy even though i didn't apply to it

'pretty standard stuff'

back to the story and the burton post

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