Saturday, November 25, 2017

started smoking while working a steady day labor ticket at resource recovery - a trash to electricity plant in pinellas park florida - where i developed a regular cough from the toxic dust

one day after work i found a whole pack of kools on the north side of gandy blvd just outside the entrance to 28th street and for some reason i had a lighter in my pocket...


my cough cleared up almost instantly - apparently smoking is healthy at some jobs

so i go crazy and an angel shows up with a message which she forgot cause we started talking about food but it turned out the message may have been that something was wrong, we figured out later

santoro london

so some time goes by some more beings show up, or get imagined up, in my mind

one day the creator child who was created as part of the story the apprentice fate named lucy wrote as part of a science fiction story the whole group of imaginary or other worldly people were writing comes up with the idea that if someone quits smoking because god asks them too evil will be destroyed

and when people ask me how i quit smoking i tell them the truth - a song helped me quit

recieved cold play's ' viva la vida' in the mail the day i quit for good and i was so inspired and pumped up playing it that when the nicotine patch fell off after about an hour because it was very hot and i was sweating, i didnt even feel i needed to put it back on - the adrenaline i was feeling was my stop smoking patch

chris martin and gwyneth paltrow were vegans when the song was written

of course, there was more to the story, which really does appear to be a story that i too am a character in

when i was told about evil being destroyed if someone quit smoking because god asked them to i knew the people i see in my mind were going to try to get me to quit smoking and at that time i didn't really want to even tho in retrospect i realize that i may have just had a stroke when i heard the choir of voices and the vision of gates before the people appeared

but i made a joke about how it better not be something stupid like evel knievel being destroyed

i explained how i finally quit, but not about how difficult it was and how frustrating it could be at times not to be able to even tho i really tried hard

but i haven't explained yet that the year before (2007) i had quit also, for a month which was the best i had done until then, and 3 days after i quit then i had heard on the radio that evel knievel had died

i had also quit earlier  3 days before 9/11 which caused me to start smoking again

a bike path would be a better feature for route 43 than sidewalks

bike paths can accomodate electric carts, skateboarders, bicyclists as well as pedestrians and power chairs

evel knievel lived at a place called feather sound in largo fla when i worked there while i was living in st pete and it was a dangerous bike ride out there every morning

roosevelt blvd bike trail

this past two years st pete had built a bike path out to ulmerton road where feather sound is located from the nexus of 4th st / gandy blvd and roosevelt and it a safe relaxing, well lighted path that is almost heavenly to walk on a warm southern night

also they make concrete that has fiberglass mixed into it that is much more resistant to cracking and ground rubber from used tires can also be added to the mix to give it added flexibility

bike paths on green river road

crumb rubber added to concrete

you might have heard of the scandal that brought down the website gawker

if i remember correctly, gawker was sued by paypal / ebay / fb owner peter thiel and hulk hogan for releasing a sex tape allegedly showing hogan sleeping with another woman

the other woman was allegedly bubba the love sponge ( todd clem's ) wife and it was allegedly given to gawker by bubba's ex friend and board op cowhead (mike calta)

cowhead used to have a radio program called the replacements with brent and kevin ( who had been jeffy's board op who had been lassiter's board op ) that i enjoyed after listening to the hooters girls lynne austin brenda lee and tina who were on after lassiter and ron & ron

im not sure if cowhead was still working for bubba at the time or if it happened while cowhead was doing the replacements, but cowhead had somehow found out evel knievel was in the hospital, found his number and called him up to see how he was doing

instead of immediatley hanging up the phone evel knievel starts cussing cowhead out like i had never heard and didn't stop for what seemed like over half an hour

bubba uses part of the tirade in a clip here:

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