Saturday, March 11, 2023



- rolling stone

so dr lehovec invented p-n junction isolation, the fundamental property of the computer chip, while living in williamstown

you've read about bill gates and steve wosniak hacking ma bell with tone frequencies from a book they took breaking into their local library - and captain crunch hacking ma bell's tone codes with a toy whistle,

i believe i was the inspiration for 'dumb and dumber' possibly because of dave's family who were originally from providence, rhode island where the movie takes place

my hair used to be blond and looked similar to harry's after i started listening to the cure, and dave's mom who was a writer as was her brother, once remarked that it was all over the place on my head

lauren holly played mary sampsonite / swanson and lauren's mom is now a williams professor emeritus living in williamstown:

i also had a chipped tooth from the wire factory i was working at, though the hair had turned brown by then after i met barb and matured

the hair had grown back brown after i shaved my head because of one of the robinson kids who had shaved his head and it looked very refreshing (it was - there is nothing like a shorn cranium - it is quite refreshing)

the robinsons had lived next door to tracy's family

I am not sure who our uncle loyd was

he was a hall of some kind because we used to have the hall family reunions on a piece of land across from his house which was also next to tracy's house or maybe two houses west

our neighbor mrs harris's daughter had a house another house west which had an old sod roof like they used to have in ireland

when i made the word association from the pieces of hardware on the hypnotic trigger i found in the chain of my bicycle in st pete on the clearwater town line, the first two imaginary people i saw were two young ladies, maybe 18-20 years old 

when I started getting these strange visions I thought were memories back after that, one of the visions showed two similar ladies at one of the hall family reunions at loyd's property asking me if I wanted to go with them out of sight near some bushes and I did

many of the things loyd and harry did in the movie happened to me, often with dave there and i would often say these stupid things like once we were riding our bikes up into vermont thru new york and

dave said we were near the hoosac river near hoosac falls ny (where grandma moses lived) and i had said 'it is the only river that flows uphill' because i had once heard in class that the hoosac was one of the only rivers in the northeast to flow north

dave's sisters were friends with tracy who both dave and i had crushes on since we were kids and i ran into tracy once on spring street and for some reason she started talking to me and i was just manic in my mind - tracy, who studied spanish, tells me she went to live in i guess it was mexico, and i said 'isn't mexico in spain ?'

dave and i once drove to arizona and dave tried to bet me something that was really easy to do but i forget now what it was and i told him i never bet, which had been true then - then he said he would bet me more and i said no way then he said he bet me more and i said 'you're on !'

dave and i accidently found our own great hack when i told dave to call me collect at a pay phone in arizona because i did not have a phone in my apt

so dave, for some reason, called collect from another pay phone in cobbleskill, ny and when the operator asked me if i were using a pay phone i said 'no' because i was afraid she would not connect us

i had about $8 in quarters ready to pay for the call but then dave said 'you're kidding ! i don't believe it ! we don't have to pay for the call !' !

and so it was true and that made it true that we weren't using a pay phone !


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