Thursday, March 23, 2023

Happiest Times of our Life


1. one of the happiest times of my life was when a friend asked me what was the happiest time of my life, which I am going to put at the top of our list of the happiest times of my life.

2. Drinking Genesee 12 Horse Ale while lying in the grass of our back yard in Williamstown on a summers day while listening to Carla Bley's 'Sextet' on our cassette stereo with detachable speakers.

3. Writing about 7 science fiction short stories.

4. Sitting with Alphena by the St John river at the Boat landing in Van Buren, maine on a beautiful Summer's day.

5. Meeting Cathy in Rochester, NY while walking down her street listening to The Cure's 'In Between Days'.

6. Randy's Electric after day labor ticket there, singing this song in my mind with the people I see and hear in it singing along beautifully:

“But to you who are listening I say:Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” “Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.”

Saturday, March 11, 2023



- rolling stone

so dr lehovec invented p-n junction isolation, the fundamental property of the computer chip, while living in williamstown

you've read about bill gates and steve wosniak hacking ma bell with tone frequencies from a book they took breaking into their local library - and captain crunch hacking ma bell's tone codes with a toy whistle,

i believe i was the inspiration for 'dumb and dumber' possibly because of dave's family who were originally from providence, rhode island where the movie takes place

my hair used to be blond and looked similar to harry's after i started listening to the cure, and dave's mom who was a writer as was her brother, once remarked that it was all over the place on my head

lauren holly played mary sampsonite / swanson and lauren's mom is now a williams professor emeritus living in williamstown:

i also had a chipped tooth from the wire factory i was working at, though the hair had turned brown by then after i met barb and matured

the hair had grown back brown after i shaved my head because of one of the robinson kids who had shaved his head and it looked very refreshing (it was - there is nothing like a shorn cranium - it is quite refreshing)

the robinsons had lived next door to tracy's family

I am not sure who our uncle loyd was

he was a hall of some kind because we used to have the hall family reunions on a piece of land across from his house which was also next to tracy's house or maybe two houses west

our neighbor mrs harris's daughter had a house another house west which had an old sod roof like they used to have in ireland

when i made the word association from the pieces of hardware on the hypnotic trigger i found in the chain of my bicycle in st pete on the clearwater town line, the first two imaginary people i saw were two young ladies, maybe 18-20 years old 

when I started getting these strange visions I thought were memories back after that, one of the visions showed two similar ladies at one of the hall family reunions at loyd's property asking me if I wanted to go with them out of sight near some bushes and I did

many of the things loyd and harry did in the movie happened to me, often with dave there and i would often say these stupid things like once we were riding our bikes up into vermont thru new york and

dave said we were near the hoosac river near hoosac falls ny (where grandma moses lived) and i had said 'it is the only river that flows uphill' because i had once heard in class that the hoosac was one of the only rivers in the northeast to flow north

dave's sisters were friends with tracy who both dave and i had crushes on since we were kids and i ran into tracy once on spring street and for some reason she started talking to me and i was just manic in my mind - tracy, who studied spanish, tells me she went to live in i guess it was mexico, and i said 'isn't mexico in spain ?'

dave and i once drove to arizona and dave tried to bet me something that was really easy to do but i forget now what it was and i told him i never bet, which had been true then - then he said he would bet me more and i said no way then he said he bet me more and i said 'you're on !'

dave and i accidently found our own great hack when i told dave to call me collect at a pay phone in arizona because i did not have a phone in my apt

so dave, for some reason, called collect from another pay phone in cobbleskill, ny and when the operator asked me if i were using a pay phone i said 'no' because i was afraid she would not connect us

i had about $8 in quarters ready to pay for the call but then dave said 'you're kidding ! i don't believe it ! we don't have to pay for the call !' !

and so it was true and that made it true that we weren't using a pay phone !


Tuesday, March 7, 2023


- rolling stone

lots a people didn't used to know that the strong family, who control rochester, are rockefellers and they experimented with radiation on u s citizens in underground research areas that were a number of city blocks long beginning at the strong memorial hospital almost across the street from cathy's alexander street normandy apartments

i believe we wrote the lyrics to 'this is the story of a girl' - by nine days and 'if it makes you happy' by sheryl crow, about cathy 

and when i hitchhiked into rochester to find a bike shop to buy a spoke and a sprocket remover, and met cathy sitting on the lawn outside her apts, i had gotten a ride from a vending machine repairman

cathy is still the prettiest girl i have ever yet seen, with the possible exception of carly rea jepson, who might be as pretty in the 'its always a good time' video and galactic ranger jackie, if you lighten up her photos properly

i was listening to the cure's standing on a beach cassette when i saw cathy and 'in between days' was playing and i said to myself 'that is the prettiest girl in the 🌎 !' when i got near her

with our favorite song at the time and seeing cathy for the first time it is...

cathy listened to the song after i sat down next to her and said she liked it 

i asked her who her favorite band was and she replied that it was journey - and now 'don't stop believin'' is also one of my favorite songs

- kate bush the whole story

after i fell off a roof, got amnesia then remembered cathy again, i believed this kate bush photo looked exactly like cathy, except with a certain feature about cathy's face missing that just made her simply scrumptious !

she looked at me just like that once as she was rubbing my stomach and it just engraved into my memory

from her perspective, i now believe we were close friends in her heaven when we were children and she was seeing me from then

i remember the cure cassette got stolen when i went swimming at the rochester ymca, where i also once ran into cathy - yes, it got stolen - or who knows now, maybe appropriated for some weird reason - that day i ran into cathy while i was sitting in the y's hot tub and cathy came in and sat down in the spa too, not recognizing me at first

'In 1889, Strong married Bessie, the daughter of John D. Rockefeller.' (j d's oldest child)

agustus's brother was:

'Henry Alvah Strong (August 30, 1838 – July 26, 1919) was an American photography businessman. He was the first president of the Eastman Kodak Company.[2][3][4]'

you can't find it now, but in 1997 art bell coast to coast am fans got the u s civil code law that said the u s gov could experiment on citizens without our permission or knowledge repealed

'From 1945 to 1947, Strong was the site of non-consensual human experimentation programs under supervision of the Manhattan Project and its successor, the United States Atomic Energy Commission.[4] A building adjacent to the hospital and connected to it via tunnel, dubbed the "Manhattan Annex," was constructed in 1943 as a field office for the Manhattan Project.[5] Over a period of two years starting in 1945, a total of seventeen patients admitted to Strong for unrelated ailments were injected with a plutonium or uranium solution without their knowledge.[4][6] The Atomic Energy Commission tracked the patients for the rest of their lives; after their deaths, the Commission exhumed their remains for testing. Surviving patients were later informed of the true nature of the experiments in 1974.[4]

In recent years,[clarification needed] federal regulations for human subject protection and ethical codes for research have been rewritten, in light of this experiment and others around the nation. Strong Memorial Hospital now has a unified human research protection program, which has become a national leader in developing oversight programs to protect people who participate in research studies.[7] In 2007, the University's program received the highest level of accreditation possible from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP), an independent accrediting body.[7][8] The accreditation was granted after demonstrating that safeguards, beyond those federally required, were built into every level of its research operation.[7] The University's oversight program reviews all human research studies, even those that are exempt from regulation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration.[7]'

- fluoride action network

Thursday, March 2, 2023

straight up


the rockefellers kept the eugenics records office records on yellow index cards in a warehouse on long island according to a history book i found in the st pete main branch library before i believe i wrote the lyrics to this song:

about the songs

i would advise googling psych help instead of talking to a therapist - and writing about your problems privately, for now

the writing helps sort out timelines of the trauma and events that shaped your personality and the psychiatrists have a bunch of tricks they've learned to manipulate your behavior, as you will learn if you google first

williams college told me straight up about the professor who performed the experiment i was a part of but the professor who performed the experiment did not tell me where to find the records of it

he was the one who diagnosed me but there is no mention of him on my medical records

you should google






operant conditioning

mental noting




excited delirium

hysterical blindness

placebo effect

nocebo effect

inattentional blindness


simulation theory

concrete thinking

near point visual stress

cognitive dissonance








visual snow



highway hypnosis


tonic immobility

jumping frenchmen

agency (philosophy)


straw man 

confirmation bias







cbt (cognitive behavioral therapy)

dbt (dialectic behavioral therapy)

chameleon effect



agency detection

william sidis

brian wilson

james tilly matthews

marsha linnehan

candy jones

cathy obrien

john dewey

g stanley hall


- sharon's fb



Wednesday, March 1, 2023

the rockefellers kept the eugenics records office records on yellow index cards in a warehouse on long island according to a history book i found in the st pete maine branch library before i believe i wrote the lyrics to this song

  Ann Diamond 'The Man Next Door' Blog and book by the neighbor of Leonard Cohen.