Monday, November 15, 2021

The Wind in the Rhododendrons

Still trying to write the poem that we had ached to write about a girl we met who stayed in a field of grass under some rhododendrons without anything but her clothes and sneakers next to the Little Caesars pizza shop that was on 94th Avenue North.

Maybe this Blogger post will get it out.

- Ms Heithcock's Sister

'Songwriter Aaron Kamin talked about the song in a radio interview. He said, "At the time my grandmother's best friend had passed away and she left behind a husband of 50 or more years and I was at the funeral and afterwards I just started thinking of what it would be like to be him and have your whole life change so dramatically and not for the best in a matter of moments. Somebody that you live and grow with and are one with, just to be gone, is crazy and I figured all he ever thinks about probably is finding a way to get back to her or be with her or make sure she’s alright or something like that. That was the sentiment behind that.."[2]'

- wiki song

A girl inspired this photo taken across the street from the Bangor International Airport JP fuel tanks around winter, 2015.


She had once told me about a drawing for a drawing class she did where she lay on her back and drew the trees climbing up into the sky with the strange but stunning perspective it creates demonstrated here.

- els vosse fb

Vanishing Point Wiki

- nft school fb

- variety

- GoPro photo from inside a tree trunk wins 2023 award.

She had also told me someone had taken her to some town or city and the streets didn't have names.

- 'Where the Streets Have No Name'

- far out magazine

Is the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia ?

Pretty sure I found Jackie.

Jackie and I were just friends, but the healing I received from caring about someone else besides myself for a short period, who appeared in a worse situation than me, taught me that that was the cure for - at least my - depression.

- Jackie Gallick Petrou's fb

Agape Love

This Jackie, who is a licensed massage therapist and Reiki Master at the Safety Harbor Spa and Resort, might be the Jackie who accidently created a hurricane after police had kicked her out from the Kmart bench.

Reiki is the power of healing by using love:

She had just been released from an assisted living facility with no money or stuff and left abandoned at Fossil Park, in St Pete, Florida around 2000.

- Pure Harmony Massage Studio - post link

The Tampa Bay Times:

Our librarian became town manager here in van buren, and solved the [homeless] problem while lowering the town mill rate and keeping private enterprise rents from skyrocketing at the same time by putting judy, randy, kody and i in a refurbished tax acquired property funded by hud

Our neighbor Kody looks and sounds just like Negasonic Teenage Warhead. (#aptupdate9)


- Kody's premie .

 So the bible came true for me.

Around 2001 found a white rock in front of the Kmart on 9th St North in St Pete with Hebrew writing I couldn't read.

Presumably the full sized translucent image of Jesus that appeared to my left that said:

 'Keith, that is for the ones who have conquered' 

- could read it though.

Later there were some adults and kids playing what sounded like hide and seek in the woods across the street from the Kmart where i tried to build a small camp for a beautiful, seemingly homeless girl, with Gulf of Mexico pastel emerald colored eyes.

I don't like to be caught in a camp when people come by so when I heard the kids and adults, I bugged out.

When I came back, there was white flour spread in geometric shapes on the path to the camp.

One of the shapes was the Nabisco logo.

- Logos Fandom

To the east of the path in the woods there was a cola can with a small metal pipe in the side and I found out it was Danny's, who I once saw walking along the path.

Danny was real, and looked just like the translucent image of Jesus, and he helped me fix a saw that I needed to finish the camp for Jackie.

But Jackie 'disappeared' again, and I was worried something bad had happened to her so I asked for help and a few weeks later heard Jackie on the radio.

She had a really distinctive and graceful lilt to her voice or well, it wasn't really an accent - she said she was from Dunedin.

Wanted to be able to speak to ladies without feeling terror, but I did not know how.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and when I began crafting a new way to speak so people wouldn't constantly interupt me because my voice grated on them I starting ending declarative sentences with a hopeful rising lilt just like Jackie and it worked !

It really cheers me up just saying things that way !

Now we maybe found out her maiden name is Irish, originating from County Donegal:

- 4 crests

She had called into the Lionel radio program back then (2000/2001) and give him what for about women's reproductive rights and some guy yells at her 'Jackie, shut up !' then grabs the phone from her and says she is his fiance. 

- Sry, didn't like the way the guy acted toward her on the phone, but at least I knew she was alive and apparently okay.

From her bio history online we don't think it was Omar.

She had mentioned a guy she knew and said 'he was a pretty cool guy' but I regret forgetting the name.

- zillow

Earlier, while I was talking to Jackie by the rhododendrons, Galactic Ranger Chuck appeared in my mind's eye and told me Jackie was a Galactic Ranger.

- Google Maps 94th Avenue and 9th Street North

There were rhododendrons where the trees, which might be them, are now behind that car wash building on 94th Avenue North in St Pete next to the U-Haul on 9th St North.

The U Haul office is just east of the car wash where Jackie"s field was.

'Lady Day has diamond eyes, she sees the truth behind the lies'

- fb

The car wash was built on what was a lovely, empty field with long grass when Jackie lived there.

Before Jackie disappeared for the second time, and just after she had been kicked out from the bench in front of the Kmart by the police, she said to me 'Do you know what we need ? we need a hurricane!' 

I laughed, because the way she said it with her cheerful lilt, made it sound like fun, like maybe there would be a party !

Then that night I heard on the WFLA Radio a hurricane had formed in the Yuccatan Peninsula so I went back to where Jackie stayed by the rhododendrons behind where there is now a car wash and told jackie to be careful what she said and that there was a hurricane coming !

Jackie said 'Oops ! time to disappear !' and she did - i didn't see her again until a few weeks after the hurricane passed over us

- Hurricane Gordon

- poem art fb

The cop who kicked Jackie out from the Kmart bench also kicked her out from the McDonalds on 4th Street N and 96th Ave in St Pete.

- Abandoned k-mart in Madawaska, maine, after K-mart closed in...

K-mart first declared chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2002 just after we met Jackie and she was evicted by the cop.


Had found the rock early one morning before Kmart had opened in the parking lot in front of the Kmart entrance where the bench had been and always associated the rock with Jackie because of that.

I looked at the rock hard to remember what it looked like, and from what I recall, the word written on it looked like this, except I remember the w like letter having one more arm:

- Israel Wiki

I put the rock back down because I had believed I needed to quit smoking to win.

Curiously, I had quit smoking for 3 days in September of 2001, after I met Jackie, but had to go into the Suncoast Center for Mental Health Homeless Outreach Office to get my meds, then on the way back saw the ashtray in the St Pete Times building entrance and grabbed a few shorts and lit up, possibly because the receptionist at the outreach office brought a tv into the office that day because it was 9/11.

Many years later found this in revelation:


Looky what the nabisco logo means !:


Jackie said her mom designed clothes.

Nicholas Petrou is a famous fashion designer from Cyprus.

Spyridon Petrou and Eleftheria Efthimiou are Nicholas' parents

- This pic is from a beauty and care salon in Cyprus she likes

Tarpon Springs is Florida's Greek Community where they are famous for diving for a cross on January 6th, in the Gulf of Mexico on The Epiphany,  which marks the day Jesus was baptised by St John the Baptist in the Jordan River.

It is where professional sponge divers dive for sponges.

Jackie's eye color was exactly the same as the color of the Gulf of Mexico, which at sunset, just before the famous 'Green Flash', is hauntingly healing.

Think I just figured this 2021 photo out.

Back when I knew her in 2000, Jackie told me she had 3 kids, and one of them was her 'premie'.

She also said something about her mom designing clothes.

Another friend from here in Van Buren named Bernadette, was a premature baby and told me when she was a baby they used to put her on the door of the open wood stove to keep her warm, and that her whole family spoiled her and got stuff for her all the time - making her 'picky' as a grown up !

In the science fiction story I didn't have a clear idea what Galactic Rangers did or who they were.

After I found the trigger and went crazy I thought I might be the antichrist because of something a group of imaginary people called 'The Osiri' called out, as the girl - Lucy - who began writing the real science fiction story, had figured something out about the number '666'.

I've since found out from readings that the spirit of the antichrist is considered a part of human nature we are supposed to overcome - the spirit of selfishness - while the Christ is the spirit of unselfishness.

- FB Video

So in my mind I created Galactic Rangers to be able to travel in time to find out what went wrong so I wouldn't have to be the antichrist.

I wanted God to know we weren't trying to overthrow him, so I put the Archangel Michael in charge of the Galactic Rangers.

The Archangel Michael might have been in our 1981/1982 ASU beginners jujitsu class, as might two of the Galactic Rangers.

Sensei Carney said we had all qualified for yellow belts at the end of the class, but Michael was way beyond us and could sit in the 'Full Lotus' position from the get go.

Sensei asked him how he became so proficient and he just answered that he had studied a lot of martial arts.

We did an exercise where a fellow classmates had to lay on top of us and try to keep us pinned while we tried to escape and I injured a girl who was trying to pin me - she had hurt her neck  - I told her I was very sorry as for some reason Michael began rubbing her neck and shoulders and then he asked her how she felt and she said 'better !'

She had looked like she might have been seriously injured !

Michael looked very similar to Viggo Mortenson's 'Aragorn' from Peter Jackson's 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy.

I believe Jackie told me about the town where the streets had no names for a reason.

The Joshua Tree album by U2 is about America in the 1980s and it's theme is the American South West.

'Inspired by American experiences, literature, and politics, U2 chose America as a theme for the album. Recording began in January 1986 in Ireland, and to foster a relaxed, creative atmosphere, the group primarily recorded in two houses.'

- 'The Joshua Tree' - Wikipedia

Curiously, Jesus' real name is the same as Joshua's, though they are both a little different from 'Joshua' in Hebrew, and Mary's real name is the same as Miriam's, Moses's sister, who helped rescue Moses from the Nile River.

The place in the song 'Where the Streets Have no Name' is high on a desert plain, presumably somewhere in the South Western United States.

Now we found out Bono actually wrote it on an airline sickbag after visiting Africa while ministeing during 'Live Aid', but Joshua Trees grow in the Southwest. #Treepage

I like to look up facts about some of our favorite songs.

God might have inspired them because we found out that we might have written some, and maybe Jackie has too, or should.

But that does not mean the artists who performed them did not write them too, based upon what we've learned about them.

About the songs:

Back when these spiritual things were happening in my mind, I saw a vision of what I would many years later learn online were the Galaxy Rangers, but as far as I can recall I had never heard of them before googling 'Galactic Rangers' around 2014

I also saw a vision of a little girl back then I would later find out looked just like this photo of Betty Sodder I found online about 2014 also.

Look at Audrey Hepbun - the eyebeows !! 😋😋😋

Wasn't Simone super sexy too ? 

It was the eyebrows !

- Simone

I see the Jackie I remember in my mind's eye  - and she had those super sexy eyebrows too, and I apologize for saying it but so did Jessie in 'Toy Story'.

See, I had a crush on Simone, our landlady and Simone might of been supposed to have to sleep with me because of the science fiction story, as the girl who wrote it made the lead character to be able to sleep with any woman he wanted.

I vaguely believe the James Blunt song '1973 might have been inspired by Simone.

That notebook went missing from Simone's apt.

The notebooks will tell someday.


I thought at least 7 guys who were our friends in highschool might have been the lead character.

'Space Cowboy' - Steve Miller Band

The girls used to fall head over heels right out of their clothes for these guys, it was like magic ! 

The alpha males are not the tallest, strongest or smartest (though they were all surprisingly strong and smart) - the girls loved those guys because they were cute 🤣

A lady friend neighbor who I grew very fond of had a heart attack, which is how I met her.

The doctor told her she had to get exercise or she would die !

In the winter time it was not safe to go walking because she fell on the ice sidewalks and broke her arm.

She was very Christian and proper, lovely and paradise plump ! - you don't know till you've tried ! - and  the ladies in town all respected her.

But I had a crazy idea and the more I thought about it the more excited I became !

What if I became the lead character - now that I felt comfortable talking to girls - and used the super power to force our lady friend to sleep with me to get exercise ?

So I tried seducing her with science truth.

She was helpless before these exhilerating  facts, which are surprising and successful, and way too much fun !

I think we lost 80lbs each !

The lady friend had been friends with Simone a long time.

She is very slender here - the meds made her gain weight:

< 3

isn't she super exciting if you start thinking of her as a romantic partner ?

Who knew ?

It had honestly never occurred to either of us !

I never imagined that until I tried.

'The proof is in the pudding !'

I had told her we had to get married - just before God, with no rules - so God would not get mad at us, and that she could stop being married to me any time she wanted.

After, she told me she had always wanted to be with someone who truly loved her for her.

The last time we talked she told me it were the happiest time of her life and it had been mine too.

She had told her friends that I was the best romantic friend she had ever had  - but really, I was the only real one she ever had ever had ! 

We had loved one another - because of one of Jesus' rules we loved to follow.

She loved her ex husband very much still, but she said she had been forced to marry him by her mom after an unpleasant experience.

She would do almost anything I wanted to please me.

If I said I was attracted to one of her lady friends, I told her, to keep anything from being hidden from her, which is what I believe causes jealousy - and she would somehow get them to let me know I could sleep with them.

Just to please me !

I wanted to sleep with them (her close friends) but I was afraid to lose her.

I still worried back then.

Penthouse like story warning -

Two girls, unbuttoned pants and flowered panties !:

I think something (super exciting) happened between the lady friend who was friends with Simone where Simone let me know I could sleep with her when the two were waiting for me as I came home to the apartment, but I panicked, and part of the reason I panicked was because Simone appeared sort of similar to The Queen of the Crown, The primary villain in The Galaxy Rangers, who was also super sexy !

The eyebrows !

She puts adversaries into 'soul crystals'

- Queen of the Crown

'13. Jackie who said when i met her late one night in st pete 'I'm chewing my fingernails'  so i said 'so what ?' and she said 'when I chew my fingernails I want to do it''

- The Power of Positivity

The point is that even tho back when we met Jackie, who was super lovely - and I wanted to, we did not fool around.

I had the feeling she had just wanted a nice warm safe place to stay for the night, and I could think of no place.

Tho I moved closer to her so in case she had really wanted to, she could let me know - but she didn't.

Aren't they a lovely couple ? 

I feel now like I felt after finding Lynne 11 online because when we were young, Lynne had winked at me with a very deliberate, slow, wink that went beyond flirting...

Mr and Mrs Jaycobs did not sacrifice their whole lives for their daughter to get a basketball scholarship at Williams just to be banged up by some low rent drifter who just needed bartholin !

Jackie may have been directed to that Kmart bench where I met her and we did fall asleep next to each other that night.

I think I wanted to sleep with Jesse from 'Toy Story', and Jackie might have supposed to have been Jesse, in this crazy, wonderful science fiction story the Fates wrote.

The eyebrows !


^ This girl had been with me under a bridge !


-RTE December 2nd, 2023


'How to sign 'love' in American Sign Language'

NME January 12, 2024

The U S is at Defcon 2 in almost all regions tho this site says the nuclear Defcon is at 3 in December 2023 - Since Putin invaded Ukraine.

Defcon 1 is the highest alert level.

- Present Defcon Levels

' Keep me out of country and the word -'

When Galactic Ranger Chuck told me Jackie was a Galactic Ranger, I didn't get it until I found the Jackie featured in this post.

Jackie has that charm that you just want to listen to.

I believe these social media were created to destroy war and the hells wars bring because of differences in ideologies.

Influencers are people like Jackie who 'can turn the world on with just a smile'.

Only Jackie has seen what life is like in the abandoned lots and kicked out of restaurants and hassled in wheat grass weeds - in the reality that she walked with all of us who've been there. Luke 6 20.

- rocknrollpage

She is tough, creative and smart -  graceful, with a kindness that transcends borders, even in adversity.

Now we find out her super power is reiki love.

God is love

We had seen Jackie too, before we met her, only she had been a cartoon child in my mind's eye with red hair, named Jackie, who was very energetic and sprightly.

Looking back, I now see that the child cartoon like Jackie in our imagination was probably created up here after we saw Toy Story 2 in 1999 at the Seminole Mall movie theater.

Jessie from Toy Story 2 had instantly became one of our favorite [science fiction !] story characters, and I realize now, she looks just like the Jackie we created up in our imagination, while also being very sprightly and energetic.

'Toy Story is a 1995 American animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. The first installment in the franchise of the same name, it was the first entirely computer-animated feature film, as well as the first feature film from Pixar.'

- 'Toy Story' Wikipedia

But we didn't realize the cartoon child Jackie and the Toy story character Jessie were the same person back then, possibly because the real Jackie, who we met in 2000, was a real person who existed before the Toy Story Jessie - and hence before the cartoon imaginary Jackie, were created.

And I didn't make the connection between the imaginary Jackie and the real Jackie until I saw Jackie's fb here, because of something about her hair that is different from when I had met the real Jackie.

Not the eyebrows, but aren't they just so sexy and evocative !?:

We had tried to get the children we see in this imaginary place into school.

It was going to be a fun school and the kids would all have nice clothes to dress up and impress each other with and that was pretty much all the school was about, except for the kids played outdoor volleyball, and Jackie was always so energetic and enthused she would always win !

One of the other girls were Cathy Spirit Angel - who we only a year or so ago discovered was the imagined version of Connie Kendall from 'Adventures in Odyssey' and who was voiced by actress Katie Leigh.

Xandi, who might be another Keith & his wife Cathy's daughter, was one of the little girls in blue print dresses who showed up here that might have caused whoever is creating these visions to have created the image of Betty Sodder.

Cathy Ranger Angel and Keith were child friends in one of the first heavens that were imagined up.

I had possibly met Cathy from Memory Chimes on Cape Cod just after mom had died, when we were both about 5 and 4 years old.

When I had met the grown up Cathy in Rochester, NY around 1985-86 she asked me if I had ever been to Cape Cod.

When I replied 'yes' a memory began forming in my mind, and Cathy began nodding, because she could somehow see the memory forming in my mind.

But then I asked Cathy if she had ever been to Niagara Falls.

Mr Schroeder and Lucy from the Peanuts cartoon were also imagined up as children here, as was Rodney Rathbone.

Adventures in Odyssey had a Deus Ex Machina plot device called 'The Imagination Station' where the children could travel back in time to biblical times to learn about events in The Bible.


About Michael:

Michael really might have been the Archangel Michael because one day back around when we met Jackie I was sitting on the bench in the front of the bank (now St Luke's Caterac and Lasik Institute) on the North Western corner of 94 Avenue and 9th street almost across from Jackie's field of grass and in my mind's eye I saw the cartoon like image of 'Sar Sir' ('Sar' is the honorific we used for a sex indeterminate pronoun) who we now believe was Kilgore Trout -  who was asked by a couple of Williams kids (one of whom looked like John Reily,) if he wanted to be God - was making some kind of peace treaty with the Osiri.

The Osiri are the shadow people that many people have seen.

Michael was angry about the treaty.

A big semi truck was stopped at the light coming from 94th ave on the east side and was turning right onto 9th Street heading north, and in my mind's eye I saw the cartoon like image of Michael walk over to the truck and begin pushing on the front of it.

In my real vision I could not see Michael, but the the truck began to turn and then started bucking and bouncing in place as the driver began reving the engine trying to go right, and the truck kept staying in place.

I thought maybe there was something wrong with the transmission as the gears sounded like they were grinding.

But from things we learned later, it might really have just been Michael stopping the truck.

In 2015, When we went behind the Walmart in north Charleston, SC to look for a new camp there was a hill and the cartoon like image of Michael said 'we want the high ground' so I set up camp on the top of the hill.

Later, I was arrested for getting a cup of coffee from the Starbucks Borders bookstore dumpster behind the next mall over.

Later still, we had a big hurricane and I was fine on the hill wrapping myself in two tarps but the rest of the area was flooded and the next day the Post and Currier had a picture on the front page showing a trash dumpster floating down a street out to sea in Charleston harbor.


Mark and Jared at where in fla ?:

Jackie has a similar pic:

- Pure Harmony Massage Studio Dunedin, Florida

- Book a Therapy Session at Pure Harmony Massage Studio with Jackie:

-AP News January 7th, 2024

- d i y welding projects fb

when influencer's eyes are smiling !:


  Ann Diamond 'The Man Next Door' Blog and book by the neighbor of Leonard Cohen.