Sunday, July 7, 2019 - post link

williamstown historical museum

so kurt is history...

kurt was our 1981 mt greylock class soccer captain, basketball captain and tennis captain

'Kurt Tong was the men's soccer team captain, Mt Greylock men's basketball team captain and men's tennis team captain in 1981 and was Counsel General to Hong Kong during the protests untill just before the Covid-19 outbreak.

Kurt once held the (world?) record for the most made freethrows in a certain amount of time or the most made free throws out of 1,000 attempts.' - Hong Kong Counsul General Wiki

the basketball team did okay, as i recall, but  the soccer team and the tennis team were really good and i think they both might have won their division titles

kurt's wiki page

kurt's speeches:


amcham is the american chamber of commerce which was created by president taft who broke up s o

president taft broke up standard oil in 1911 and helped create the american chamber of commerce in 1912:

trump fired kurt on...

the hill says trump took a fireworks donation from a donor who wanted china tariffs postponed:

cnbc says trump announced postponing china tariffs on may 17:

kurt, terry, paul and dave were friends before i became friends with them

they may have all been in the experimental 4th grade class, i'm not certain or they might have attended the same church

tim was freinds with kurt's older brother

ok george takei, so kurt's dad was a missionary kid interned in a japanese p o w camp:

coach tong's book:

if you ever get tired of bashing your political opponents in the comment sections, unplug the meme card and read or audio book a keith laumer story and enjoy a humorous, infotaining adventure to the embassy of the universe (laumer was in the foreign service & the navy)

i wonder if kurt could pick up where mr laumer left off ?

  • breaking not the news july 12th, 2019:


state department stops a speech kurt was about to give to a washington think tank because he was going to tell them that the chinese were eroding hong kong's liberties within the framework of one nation two systems

see: 'truth to power'



the south china morning news says kurt is now working for the asia group geopolitical consultants

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