Thursday, May 2, 2019

story 1a


the williams college psychology dept

in the fall of 1978 when i was a sophmore at mt greylock regional highschool we were told the williams college psychology dept offered to do an experiment using hypnosis to improve our football team 's play

the first two strings of the backfield were chosen to participate, though i think participation was voluntary, i am not certain now

the one exception was the first three strings at the quarterback position would be included

i was the third string quarterback at that point

poem art

the next year i became starting quarterback

one of the players who were part of the study broke two vertebrae the first game of my junior year but only missed two games

when i visited him in the hospital he was eating a pizza burger which i've often craved since but never found one on a menu until i became a vegetarian

vegan pizza burger

today is the day after the sutherland springs, texas church shooting and i am about to decide to ask the williams college psych dept for info on the experiment

green river farm

my first job was at modern dairy ( now green river )  farm throwing hay for my cousin moses, 4 years before reagan's federal dairy buyout in 1986

the manager of the farm at the time was a guy called fritzy who would look at me funny like i was supposed to do something odd

art page

turns out he looked very similar to to the german steel magnate fritz thyssen and the farm was next door to the store at five corners recently purchased by william vanderbilt the 3rd whose family were railroad magnates

the town was a small new england college town and for some reason the college once owned one half of the town of littleton maine just north of houlton

about a quarter of a mile north of the store at 5 corners  stood the hall house where winston churchill's great grandfather once lived

churchill s mother jennie jerome was credited with creating the college s school colors for an early baseball game against harvard

another quarter of a mile north finds our highschool where in our 7th grade year of the class of 1981 a teacher told us one of our fellow students was the grandson of rudolf hess and later the left tackle of our kosier league champ football team mentioned to me on the bus home from practice that he was one of hitler's god children

mt greylock rhs

 both robby steele and fritzy were there during hay season and the way i remember it explained to me was that fritzy was the farms manager, robby was using the farm s milking equipment for his cows and moses was storing his hay in the hayloft

so field farm, once owned by the field family, neighbors cricket creek farm once owned by william vanderbilt, both about a mile west from modern dairy /  green river farm and both at the intersection of oblong road and sloane road 

did the famous " silver spoon communist " frederick vanderbilt field once own the field farm which neighbored the famous " oss capitalist " william h vanderbilt lll 's cricket creek farm?

they were both great - great grandsons of cornelius vanderbilt

richard helms was ambassador to iran where the assassin cult originated has an interview with him on file

so piecing together the old north adams transcript snippets, iberkshires and berkshire eagle stories, mr vanderbilt lived on cricket creek farm which is at the west end of sloan road and bought steel s corners store from jim steele in 1978 while fritzy bought modern dairy farm from jim or robert steele in 1954 and retired while auctioning off his cows in 1980 the year before i worked there

william henry vanderbilt lll

william vanderbilt purchased mr henry l  george s milk route in 1949

modern dairy milk bottle

the milk route may have become modern dairy milk which was the milk delivery service in the area and whose central bottling plant was on main st just before entering north adams from williamstown

milk box

we all had lidded metal boxes saying modern dairy on them outside our doors where the milkman would leave the milk in the morning in 1/2 gallon bottles

view from town selectwoman anne o'connor s fb

the reason it matters is that during ww2 mr  vanderbilt went from being a lieutenant commander in the navy to the executive officer ( second in command )  of the oss s special operations dept then became governor of rhode island before retiring to williamstown where a story begins...

you see, my mom died 7 days after rfk was assassinated on june 6, 1968 and i'm hearing little clicks in my ear as i type almost each of these letters like my ear is receiving the microwave signal through the frey effect

art page

 it's not the phone speaker making the clicking noises it was clicking directly in my left ear...guess they are just more clues to the story that i decided to begin after i died one day back in 1997

thought i had heard mother theresa had died the day before and then thought i heard  princess di died the day after but...

the clicks are gone now and i didn't really die back in 1997 i guess but my heart stopped beating and a choirlike voice asked me if I was ready to die as i literally saw what appeared to be a vision of two wrought gate doors which seemed to be swimming with an off white light

 i said no

berkshire eagle regional dairy farming history

a warm south williamstown hello to our russian visitors because russia is very much part of the story...

i had a russian teacher once, or it was alleged she was russian...she was also reported to be one of the top mathematicians in the world...

we weren't allowed to ask her questions because it was towards the end of the cold war and she had two burly russian teacher 's assistants who sat on either side of her who we could ask questions of

i tried to ask a question once and the t a said " go back ... sit " while pointing at my desk

" That Time Deadpool Dressed As Marilyn Monroe To Kill Zombie JFK "

frederick vanderbilt field

frederick's mom

marilyns missing fbi files were discovered in 2012

new jfk files release says j edgar hoover warned robert f kennedy of marilyn tell all book

view from the field farm

lona cohen

venona project

venona list

field farm

cyrus west field

1753 house at field park, named for cyrus field who laid the first trans atlantic cable 

leonard cohen

memory chimes

hammond castle

had a deck of souvenir playing cards from hammond castle which we visited on a 6 th grade field trip to cape ann ...

its builder, john hays hammond, jr had over 400 patents and was considered the father of remote control

i'm trying to find out what happened to me and maybe all of us...

i really was part of an experiment back in 1978...

i thought what happened might have involved the cold war, which was just wrapping up back then

after it was over, they told me i couldn't be hypnotized, but i became adept at the football play i had been having a problem with

i thought the experiment was over they didn't really tell us what the point of it was, that i recall now

a few years later i was at our community college and availed myself of some free therapy sessions i mostly went to to have someone to talk to

a few sessions in the regular therapist told me she wouldn't be doing the therapy anymore, and a man from the williams college psychology dept would be doing the sessions

he was very nice and the sessions still helped so i kept going

while looking to see if the oss special operations had anything to do with mk ultra i came upon john hays hammond which led to the veterans today article and the u s army chemical corps which were involved in some of the experiments with drugs, apparently

the us army chemical corps were known as the dragon soldiers because of mythical green dragon in alchemy lore ?

why did jk rowling choose mt greylock as ilvermorny, the north american  school of witchcraft and wizardry ?

are the green dragon of the chemical corps and the horned serpent of ms rowling's imagination related ?

it may be because there really is the sense of magic or a very pleasant other worldliness about the summit 

also, there was a real harry potter who grew up in north adams and became a musician of note in the early 20th century

i think the mountain is also very important in native american lore

the voice asked me why i wasn't ready to die

the answer may have been from somewhere well within where survival originates

but before i relate the answer i should mention that the man who took the place of my therapist appeared to be the same professor who performed the experiment in 1978 ...the experiment might still have been underway and i probably wasn't the only one experimented upon

the russian teacher asked me not to tell a secret, according to what i thought were real memories but turned out to apparently be imaginary memories happening in my mind as i thought i was remembering...

but the secret she may have told me not to tell may have been real

william h vanderbilt lll s lieutenant governor in rhode island was james o mcmanus

george mcmanus was in the seabees during ww2

but before i mention what the secret the imaginary russian teacher told me not to tell, i should tell you my mom was employed at the clark art institute when she died 7 days after senator robert f kennedy was assassinated

but before i tell you what she died from i should mention that i raised my gpa at the community college from 1.0 to 3.0 with a neat trick i learned from some other students

first, though i should mention ms w was the first female mayor of the city of pittsfield mass and taught at bcc

the neat trick was using a portable tape recorder to record the lectures so my notes would contain all of the material covered in class - i found i was missing up to 25% of the material with handwritten notes from real time

before i mention what was different about the two calculus classes i took and didn't do very well in i should mention the two calculus classes were taught by whom the school paper called two of best mathematicians in the world

instead of saying who they were i'll mention one of them asked the class on the first day if one of us were tape recording the class

my mom died of an apparent heart attack possibly in her sleep

the teacher who asked if the class were being recorded had walked into the class room, said five or six multisyllabic strange mathematical sounding words, then walked out of the room, came back in, looked around, then asked if the class were being recorded

hi dr fein

my mom worked at williams for professor wykoff in the '60s 

can the college give me any information on an experiment i recall being a part of in 1978-79 ?

this is the blogger post i've been working on about it :

" in the fall of 1978 when i was a sophmore at mt greylock regional highschool we were told the williams college psychology dept offered to do an experiment using hypnosis to improve our football team 's play

the first two strings of the backfield were chosen to participate, though i think participation was voluntary, i am not certain now

the one exception was the first three strings at the quarterback position would be included

i was the third string quarterback at that point

the next year i became starting quarterback

today is the day after the sutherland, texas church shooting and i am about to decide to ask the williams college psych dept for info on the experiment "

ty for your time !

keith c taft 

i have a reply from dr fein and he mentioned a professor who was interested in hypnotism may have done a study at williams about that time, so the story goes on !

btw i should mention now i told the voice that asked me why i wasn't ready to die that i wanted to write the greatest science fiction story of all time

what would you say if you were asked why you weren't ready to die 🤣 ?

cheerful schizophrenics fb group for info enlightenment a rare smile and more

so i'm supposed to write this story, 'the greatest science fiction story ever written' which by the way, someone else already wrote as a short story with that title ( and it was about a novel i once thought was the best science fiction story i had read )

but as you can see the situation is different now that you can write a science fiction story where the stars wink out, then tap the highlighted words ' wink out ' and go to a video of stars winking

it's possible to write the greatest science fiction novel now, though obviously there would be even greater with each advance in technology and ideation

but before i mention how i think the greatest science fiction story ever written could possibly be written i should mention that professor deane taught an interesting class on mathematics and art for the art dept

professor deane had like a dent looking scar on his forehead where he had brain surgery for, if i remember correctly, removal of a brain tumor...this is like, 30 years ago and he's still going strong, apparently

btw the morning after the above mentioned phone call i began to have pulsatile tinnitus in my left ear

former liverpudlian and edward dorr griffin professor of the history of ideas professor oakley was president of williams just before dr payne

i used to see professor oakley in the lassel gym locker room now and then but i didn't know who he was ...he would look at me like i didn't belong there and i would look back at him like i was highly affronted...then after he was chosen as president i realized he knew exactly who i was and that i didn't belong there because i had ran track at mt greylock with 3 of his 4 kids and he knew i had snuck into the gym by quickly looking at my watch if there was a security guard guarding the door then turning around and leaving like i had forgotten something and entering by one of the other doors

i taught myself how to swim at the college pool 

they filled in the lassel pool with cement and made it into the weight room which used to be in the attic

the teacher who said the five or six strange mathematical sounding words gave a seminar on mathematical history at herman melville's home arrowhead once 

it was fascinating he explained the golden ratio, and if i remember correctly, that pythagoras had created a secret society of mathematicians to spread knowledge without allowing it to be used for evil

the professor, it was reported in the school paper, had received complaints from engineering students who were upset that he wouldn't teach them the mathematics they needed to learn how to be able to make atomic weapons

the languedoc region of france, according to the book about the templar treasure by steven sora, contains a hidden pentagon within a pentagram where the knights templar assisted the cathars when they were besieged as part of the inquisition, if i recall the book correctly

so how and would you write the greatest science fiction story ever written without including the search for the holy grail ?

or mentioning the art bell coast to coast radio program, which i called once and as i was dialing sure enough something strange happened

hilly rose was guest hosting that evening as art was going through a very strange episode in his life

hilly's guest was carla emery who wrote the book on living off the grid or more accurately wrote the photocopy manifesto

but that night she was talking about her experience finding out that she had been unbeknownst to her, secretly hypnotized at some point in her life which she said she discovered while she was absentmindedly doodling on a piece of paper

carla wrote the encyclopedia of hypnotism called secret, don't tell

it probably isn't important now what i said on the air, as it may have been based on imaginary memories, but what was important was why i was allowed to speak on national radio at all - you see something had happened to carla in mid conversation - her phone had disconnected and hilly couldn't call her back

i might tell what i said here 

but first i should say that i wasn't really very good at math, the only reason i took calculus was because i was obsessively in love with a girl who already had a boyfriend who mentioned she was taking some kind of super calculus, so i thought if i could pass how does one search for the holy grail if it involves math ?

of course one way to write the story is to just google any math problems that come up ...but before i mention any math or engineering problems that might arise in the search for the greatest science fiction story ever written and the holy grail, we might take a look at mr stone's short story 

but before we do that i should tell you about the time i met jake burton carpenter as he was cross country skiing on the taconic golf course, because of the neat lesson learned from meeting the founder of burton snowboards, whose wife donna attended williams

it's a little long winded so i'll tell it in a bit here,  but before i do that i should relate mr carpenter apparently, and i should check this before i post it, has the same condition fdr may have had i hope he gets well soon

you see, i think there really is a story, because of where i am at the moment

but before i tell you where i am i should remind you that fdr was a master mason and once searched for the templar treasure

i should also tell you telling the story unselfishly has led me to the story, which appears to have been already written

fdr searched for the templar treasure at oak island, nova scotia, which is about 30 miles from grand pre, nova scotia

the girl i obsessively fell in love with was a student in the williams college psych dept

i'm in my friend's house in van buren maine

u s - canadian border 

ephraim williams born march 7th, 1715 or february 24, 1715 died september 8th, 1755

le grande derangement began august 10th, 1755 ended july 11th, 1764

the duke william sank in the north atlantic on december 13th, 1758

acadian remembrance day is december 13th

my granddad invented a hand drill with a universal joint to be used where there is not enough room to turn a regular hand drill

oddly, he told my dad he had to use it to help build the mill on water st, which later would be put out of business from making cables in the 1990s by cordless drills

my uncle who lived out on hancock road got into what they thought was the freight elevator on the 4th floor and fell 4 stories, allegedly breaking every bone in his body

he survived because he fell on the guy that got in before him, who died

edward tilly matthews


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