Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Ever wonder why us crazy people buy into the hallucinations ?

A girl was checking out at the Family Dollar here in Van Buren, Maine.

Jason walked in through the front door carrying his customary cup of coffee from the gas station, but for some strange reason dropped it and accidently kicked it.

The coffee flew up and over a tall display and I guess some got on the girl and she became agitated.

Jason apologized and I thought the strange incident was over, but the girl asked if he meant to do it on purpose. 

I said no he didn't and that I had been watching him when it happened as I was standing in line.

She was still bothered by it for some reason, but she said she was under a lot of stress lately.

That should have been my first clue to shut the f up and listen, but I thought she was attacking Jason so I told she was improperly accusing him.

She went out with her purchase, and this tall guy who lives in town said he was going to take a picture of the window by the door and she was in the view and that maybe bothered her too, I don't know.

So she turns around, came back in and walked right towards me staring at me, then goes past to the back of the store.

A full sized translucent image of jesus appeared on my left and asked me 'Keith, why don't you go back and see if she is okay ?'

So I kind of reached back into the store with my imagination and I felt it would cause the girl stress if I did and I told the image of jesus that.

Now I really wish that I had gone back and checked on her.

About 6 months later I realized that it had been Marilyn.

This story is about Marilyn, and I just found it !

She had been with me !

She was hitchhiking at night trying to get across the bridge I was living under.

She said no cars would stop for her !

They could not stop for her because there was a big curb on the side of the road and no shoulder.

- ABC 4 News

- Harve Jacobs Information Officer North Charleston Police Department


  Ann Diamond 'The Man Next Door' Blog and book by the neighbor of Leonard Cohen.