Monday, August 21, 2023



hope he gets well soon there are 4 + common spices that have been shown to kill cancer cells, but curing the karmetic debt of eating meat really helps a lot more (had a growth on the outside of my left calf that i eventually noticed had disappeared after i became vegetarian and another on my left middle finger where i held cigarettes which also disappeared after i became vegetarian)

chevy chase's family is part of the evans family who own the conglomerate that owns the corporation that makes all of the paper money in the u s and much of the paper money in the world

the captain america / human torch chris evans had his breakthrough role in this movie:

'Thomas M. Evans resigns as Chairman of the Board after serving Crane for 25 years. His son, R.S. Evans, is elected Chairman and CEO, and the company announces a new strategic plan to build on its strength in special light- to medium-manufacturing and wholesale distribution, while reducing reliance on more capital intensive, cyclical and commodity oriented businesses.'

'Born James Evans in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Thomas Mellon Evans and Martha Jarnagin, his mother had his name changed to honor his recently deceased father in 1913. Evans's great-grandmother Elinor was the sister of Thomas Mellon, the father of the wealthy financier, Andrew W. Mellon.[3] '

'billy suffered from depression when the smashing pumpkins were making 'mellon collie and the infinite sadness'

'uncle billy', who owned the infamous timothy leary run lsd cia experiment house 'millbrook' was a member of the mellon family, who had owned gulf oil and mellon bank - his grandfather, or father was the inspiration for f scott fitzgerald's tom buchanan in 'the great gatsby''

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