Tuesday, May 23, 2023

beastie boy


- rolling stone article on the strangely gendered artist kim petrous

i believe 'the beast' from revelation is the roman wolf who nurtured mars' twin sons romulus and remus - who legend says founded rome on one of its 7 hills (palatine hill) and who were ordered to be killed as infants but had been set adrift in the tiber river - very similar to moses's story - in reed baskets

the 'holy' roman empire was the first reich and hitler's codename was 'wolf'

i think i walked past the roman god mars walking east on the avenue (110th ave n) just south of the winn dixie (bayview) shopping center mall on 4th street north in st pete somewhere between 1998 and 2003

he had reddish brown hair, and a large, strikingly featured, handsome face with a ruddy complexion, and appeared dazed or stunned as he walked because he had just apparently had threatened sar sir, whom we believe now was the famous 'slaughterhouse 5' character kilgor trout - who immediatly sent him somehow, here to our world

he might have been imagined up in our memory from 'the beast rabban' in the first dune novel 

he had a modern haircut, swept to the side in front 

'sar' was the non gender specific pronoun we were going to use for everyone, but it sort of adapted itself into honorifics for just sar sir and sar associate

david rockefeller founded the club of rome 1968, the year rfk was assassinated during the recording of 'sympathy for the devil', whose lyrics had to be changed the next day to plural kilt kennedys 

'sar sir' had been asked if he had wanted to be god in this little town that seemed like it might be a small town in switzerland, except they apparently spoke english

three young men asked sar sir if he wanted to be god and after i found out about mike reily, the only williams college football player to have his number retired, i beileive one of the looked just like him

reily's family owned the reily coffee factory in louisianna lee harvey oswald and judyth vary baker worked at, which baker said was a cia front for a laboratory attempting to weaponize cancer

mike reily apparently died of cancer shortly after his graduation

sar sir thought it was going to be the final battle of amrageddon, so he created up a very nice, friendly little devil who didn't hurt people very much 

we don't believe the little devil is the real devil, tho he / she says he /she has to be

we don't want him / her to be the devil because of what happens to the devil in revelation

so we call him / her 'sar associate'

he / she appears to be of indeterminate sex  and looks like a little red ball of light with blue eyes and a short tail and there is a woman who lives here in van buren who facially looks and sounds like sar associatep

the woman was friends with dorothy who out of a huge walk in closet full of clothes, only had one dress, a cream colored dress with large 3/4" dark brown polka dots and who had a run in with her husband with a person named sirhan sirhan possibly during the time she and her husband bob, who told her he was a warlock, managed a hotel in california she said the rolling stones once stayed at

'girl in the polkadot dress' wiki

'Somewhere in the neighborhood of seventeen witnesses saw a "woman in a polka dot dress" with Sirhan. One witness saw her with a man who had a gun in a newspaper. She was heard to say "We got him". LAPD contends she didn't exist. A sergeant Rodriguez handled the "polka dot business." One of the things he told witnesses, according to Professor Philip Melanson, was that each of them was the only one who saw that woman!'

jamie scott enyart sparticus


  Ann Diamond 'The Man Next Door' Blog and book by the neighbor of Leonard Cohen.