Wednesday, August 18, 2021



the atomic heritage magazine says from 1939 - 1942 enrico fermi enlisted the columbia university football team jack kerouac played from to help build the first nuclear pile

did jack kerouac die from radiation ?

mayo clinic says radiation exposure causes internal bleeding 

the columbia university football team built one of the first nuclear piles out of six tons of uranium oxide

former williams college president james phinney baxter lll was head of the o s s office of scientific research and analysis 

the advisory committee of uranium was a subsection of ....

john magruder was deputy director of the o s s and 'instrumental' in the creation of the c i a

jeb magruder graduated williams college in 1958




everybody knows

i apparently met the civil rights activist and music producer john hammond, who discovered leonard cohen, in a bar in north adams, mass because he was a vanderbilt and raised during the summers in lenox, mass

lona cohen was born and raised in adams, mass and her husband morris cohen worked for amtorg which apparently helped smuggle the a bomb secrets to soviet russia

amtorg sold all of soviet russia's exports to the outside world through chase bank, which was owned and controlled by the rockefellers, who dr earnest lawrence credited with the creation of the atomic bomb and who promoted nuclear proliferation

the cohens were venona spies, which i found out by looking up suze rotolo, dylan's famous girlfriend from 'the free wheelin' bob dylan' album cover, 'it ain't me babe' etc...and suze's mom's former boyfriend had been a venona spy

the rockefellers funded the allan memorial institute at mcgill university where the mk ultra experiments took place

both morris cohen and leonard cohen attended the rockefeller built and funded columbia university where the uranium atom was first split and the a bomb was conceived

jack kerouac had a football scholarship to columbia (where he met allen ginsburg and william h burroughs) when the columbia football team had been conscripted to carry the uranium ore to the university's labs



whole page was cut and probably pasted somewhere on someone else's page

i will redo this one but it might take a few days

i think i know who did it - it happened before i will let you know who it probably was

when i was a member of williamstown, mass info and issues, which does a really weird and phone invasive check before admitting members, the admins took down 3 posts of mine from the group page, each of which had to do with nazi infiltrators

then the same day a blogger post i was working on about nazi infiltrators was taken down (as if cut and pasted somewhere else - leaving the page empty, as was done here)

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the atomic heritage magazine says from 1939 - 1942 enrico fermi enlisted the columbia university football team jack kerouac played from to ...

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

the atomic heritage foundation says [1] from 1939 - 1942 enrico fermi enlisted the columbia university football team jack kerouac played on to help build the first nuclear pile (reactor) which fermi co-invented with...leo szilard [2]

the l a times says [3] jack kerouac died at age 47 in october, 1969

encyclopedia britanica says [4] jack kerouac died of internal hemoraging

did jack kerouac die from radiation exposure, encyclopedia britanica ?

mayo clinic says [6] radiation exposure causes internal bleeding 

wikipedia [7] says the columbia university football team built one of the first nuclear piles out of six tons of uranium oxide

former williams college president james phinney baxter lll was head of the o s s office of scientific research and analysis 

the advisory committee of uranium was a subsection of ....

wikipedia says john magruder [8] was deputy director of the o s s and 'instrumental' in the creation of the c i a

wikipedia says jeb magruder [9] graduated williams college in 1958

wikipedia says williamstown resident william vanderbilt lll [10] was executive officer (second in command) of the o s s department of special operations [11] 


Manhattan Project Spotlight: Enrico Fermi

Leo Szilard


From the Archives: Beat Generation’s Jack Kerouac Dies at 47

OCT. 22, 1969 12 AM PT

Jack Kerouac

American writer


everybody knows

i apparently met the civil rights activist and music producer john hammond, who discovered leonard cohen, in a bar in north adams, mass because he was a vanderbilt and raised during the summers in lenox, mass

lona cohen was born and raised in adams, mass and her husband morris cohen worked for amtorg which apparently helped smuggle the a bomb secrets to soviet russia

amtorg sold all of soviet russia's exports to the outside world through chase bank, which was owned and controlled by the rockefellers, who dr earnest lawrence credited with the creation of the atomic bomb and who promoted nuclear proliferation

the cohens were venona spies, which i found out by looking up suze rotolo, dylan's famous girlfriend from 'the free wheelin' bob dylan' album cover, 'it ain't me babe' etc...and suze's mom's former boyfriend had been a venona spy

the rockefellers funded the allan memorial institute at mcgill university where the mk ultra experiments took place

both morris cohen and leonard cohen attended the rockefeller built and funded columbia university where the uranium atom was first split and the a bomb was conceived

jack kerouac had a football scholarship to columbia (where he met allen ginsburg and william h burroughs) when the columbia football team had been conscripted to carry the uranium ore to the university's labs



whole page was cut and probably pasted somewhere on someone else's page

i will redo this one but it might take a few days

i think i know who did it - it happened before i will let you know who it probably was

when i was a member of williamstown, mass info and issues, which does a really weird and phone invasive check before admitting members, the admins took down 3 posts of mine from the group page, each of which had to do with nazi infiltrators

then the same day a blogger post i was working on about nazi infiltrators was taken down (as if cut and pasted somewhere else - leaving the page empty, as was done here)

Monday, August 16, 2021

'for a song'

friday, june 10th, 2011

For a song

Suze Rotolo died in February. She said on NPR in 2008 that Don Hunstein took the cover photo for “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan” as they were walking down Jones Street toward West Fourth Street in Greenwich Village, N.Y. She interested Dylan in Arthur Rimbaud, Bertold Brecht and painting before the pressures of his fame caused her to leave in 1962, inspiring “Don’t Think Twice, its Alright.”

Happily married to producer John Porter today, in 1964 Linda Keith went through the windshield in a car crash driving back from Stonehenge. In Kris Needs’ 2004 book “Keith Richards: Before They Make Me Run” she says of Richards visiting her in the hospital: “He showed me I wasn’t a monster. I wasn’t revolting. And that was Keith.” In Mojo Magazine Keith Richards said “Ruby Tuesday” was written on a Tuesday in January 1967 because Linda had “…pissed off somewhere.”

The Brownfield (Texas) News says Buddy Holly’s high school friend Peggy Sue Gerron is again living in Lubbock, Texas after raising two sons, co-writing a book and being the first licensed female plumber in California.

Lucy Vodden (nee O’Donnell) died at 46 of lupus in 2009. On BBC Radio she said she and Julian Lennon were throwing paint at each other at a double-sided easel in their nursery school the day he painted the picture of her he called “Lucy — in the sky with diamonds.”

“Melodies are memories,” as the Five for Fighting song says.

the bangor daily news letters to the editor friday, june 10 the, 2011

atomic candy

Sunday, August 15, 2021

1980 coup attempt

unbelievable facts fb post

when president reagan was shot, both vice president george h w bush and assassin john hinckley jr were reportedly nazis, which makes the attempted assassination a probable coup attempt

of course, since bush was apparently a spy for the u s it is difficult to ascertain his true motives or the purpose behind the possible deceptive nature of the bush family politics and business arraignments

but hindsight is 20/20 so we will check the bush presidential and legislative legacy to see if fascist, racist legislation is attributed to them

'It was in this period that Hinckley had his brief and bizarre flirtation with the Na­tional Socialist Party of America. FBI agents have their doubts, but two high Nazi officials confirm that Hinckley joined the party in March 1978 when it was promi­nently in the news for plans to march through the largely Jewish community of Skokie, Ill. Hinckley's major contribution to American Nazism was made from a flatbed truck in St. Louis that same month, hurling racial up invectives alongside Frank Colltn, then the party leader. But it had a profound effect on him, according to the current party chief, Michael Allen. "Before the [St. Louis] rally, he seemed like a pretty normal person," Allen says. "Outside of being a Nazi, he was a pretty ordinary fel­low. But after the rally he was like a dif­ferent person. He was very agitated. He said we needed something more dramatic [than rallies]. I took that to mean things like shooting people."

Letters: Hinckley confided some of these same ideas in about a dozen letters to Harold Covington, who was then a Nazi leader in North Carolina. Covington says that Hinckley was unhappy in Lub­bock, and that he talked about moving to North Carolina. The Nazi leader is quick to note that "all of our dis­cussion [about violence] was conduct­ed on a purely theoretical plane. He didn't say let's go kill the President ... or anybody else." Nevertheless, Hinckley's attitude alarmed some of his Nazi superiors, and in November 1979, when Hinckley's membership was due to be renewed, the party ap­parently dropped him.'

- newsweek, july 27th, 2016

about eric berman, the person who reportedly received the information and photos about george scherff jr being george h w bush from otto skorzney in florida,

'Erik Berman aka: Erik ORION is [was] 53 years old with a B.A. in Marketing from Stockton State College in Pomona, NJ. Erik is an author, an inventor with U.S. Patent #5,078,640, a treasure hunter scuba diver, fisherman, small boat captain, internet webmaster, a licensed real estate broker, a Nikola Tesla Historian and an Oak Island theorist / researcher like no other. Erik is the self-proclaimed world’s greatest unknown investigative journalist / inventor.

Erik is the world renowned true conspiracy book author of The Bush Connection book which details the Bush Family’s ties to Nazi war criminals & Adolph Hitler’s faked suicide as told to him by Commando: Otto Skorzeny.'

'According to Otto Skorzeny, pictured is the Scherff family and a few friends (circa 1938). Holding “Mother" Scherff’s hand at left is Martin Bormann. In front is Reinhardt Gehlen. In back is Joseph Mengele and to his right is Skorzeny as a young man. At center right (in the German navy uniform) is George H. Scherff, Jr. and his father George H. Scherff, Sr. 

Bormann became Hitler’s second incommand. Reinhardt Gehlen was a chief SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany under Operation Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard and SS spy/assassin who came to the U.S. after the war under Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and GHW Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys werea part of CIA mind control experiments such as MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Joseph M  the notoriously sadistic “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz, escaped Germany to South America after the war. George H. Scherff, Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as GHW Bush andGeorge H. Scherff, Sr., was Nicola Tesla’s “trusted assistant.” '

'What you are about to read is another step beyond research pioneered in the early 90s byauthor/historian Webster Tarpley based largely on deathbed “clues” provided by former Hitlerbodyguard Otto Skorzeny and his box of photographs. Since Skorzeny’s death in 1999, the various leadshe provided have been followed up and tend to support what, at first blush, would appear to be theunbelievable rantings of an embittered old man. What remains constant as we pore through publiclyavailable official records, private correspondence, memoirs, newspaper articles, photos and other“clues” is that Bush family records (the ones that exist) are a puzzle palace of inconsistencies andcuriosities. Since it is a congressionally established fact that Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis during WWII, we can safely say that the Bush/Nazi connection existed. Who are the Bushes? Howdid they get connected with the Nazis? Is the connection still alive through U.S. presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush? The answers are not as literal as we would like them to be. But we have thetestimony of Otto Skorzeny and his photos—especially the one at right. So, here we go—the firstinstallment of an investigation that points to a curious conclusion: The “Bush” family was created to destroy America.'

- by don nicoloff of the idaho observer april, 2007

webster tarpley wiki

who what why august 8th 2016

- who what why august 8th 2016

- the guardian september 25th, 2004

the bush family were involved in fascist plot to overthrow fdr in 1933 - 'business plot':

the bushes were made millionaires by frank rockefeller who owned buckeye steel

mark millman says his father and donald trumpf's father were secret nazis: 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

broadway was dark that night redux

everybody knows

- the guardian

i apparently met the civil rights activist and music producer john hammond, who discovered leonard cohen, in a bar in north adams, mass because he was a vanderbilt and raised during the summers in lenox, mass

lona cohen was born and raised in adams, mass and her husband morris cohen worked for amtorg which apparently helped smuggle the a bomb secrets to soviet russia

amtorg sold all of soviet russia's exports to the outside world through chase bank, which was owned and controlled by the rockefellers, who dr earnest lawrence credited with the creation of the atomic bomb and who promoted nuclear proliferation

the cohens were venona spies, which i found out by looking up suze rotolo, dylan's (also discovered by john hammond) famous girlfriend from 'the free wheelin' bob dylan' album cover, 'it ain't me babe' etc...and suze's mom's former boyfriend had been a venona spy

the rockefellers funded the allan memorial institute at mcgill university where the mk ultra experiments took place

both morris cohen and leonard cohen attended the rockefeller built and funded columbia university in new york city where the uranium atom was first split and the a bomb was conceived

samuel cohen lived in brooklyn, worked on the manhattan project and invented the neutron bomb in 1958

jack kerouac had a football scholarship to columbia (where he met allen ginsberg and william h burroughs) when the columbia football team had been conscripted to carry the uranium ore to the university's labs

- the game before money

- columbia edu

- pbs red files interview with david major fbi counter intelligence


standard oil dealt directly with the soviet union :



whole page was cut and probably pasted somewhere on someone else's page

i will redo this one but it might take a few days (or weeks)

i think i know who did it - it happened before i will let you know who it probably was

when i was a member of williamstown, mass info and issues, which does a really weird and phone invasive check before admitting members, the admins took down 3 posts of mine from the group page, each of which had to do with nazi infiltrators

then the same day a blogger post i was working on about nazi infiltrators was taken down (as if cut and pasted somewhere else - leaving the page empty, as was done here)


apologies williamstown remembered fb group, i took down the ralph townsend post because a hacker stole by copy - pasting 3 of my blogger posts and put the image of ralph up on one of them so i deleted ralph's post to show that i can let them all go if i have to 

it is the truth that sets us free and hiding the truth and lying has enslaved the world in sin john 8 vs 32

i apparently wrote the lyrics to the googoo dolls 'broadway' one night in 1986 at the mohawk bar in north adams after the announcer on wmnb said that ella fitzgerald had died and that 'broadway is dark tonight' and a guy at the bar asked to read what i was writing in my notebook and i told him i heard on the radio ella fitzgerald had died and he looked ashen and told me he used to manage her

wiki says ella fitzgerald only had two managers but that john hammond discovered her and that she had open heart surgery in 1986

had lost all the notebooks i had written lyrics and ideas in - in places they couldn't have possibly gone missing without being taken and later i discovered a number of the ideas in the notebooks came about and many of the lyrics apparently became popular songs

the blogger post was stolen for perhaps the same reason

also, i wrote a whole page of ideas for rock & roll band names

i didn't think any of the names were really good, but later i figured about 7+ of the names were also used by popular recording acts as band names, including the smashing pumpkins, which d'arcy wretzky said she hated and billy corgan said emphasized the 'smashing' as an adjective

for me i thought it would be a good name for a punk band because where i am from we had 'cabbage stalk night' on the evening before halloween and all the hoodlum kids would go out and smash pumpkins and toilet paper houses

i once had won a giant pumpkin the nickleins or the sweets grew up on hopper road, at the grange fair - in an auction

i had just barely outbid our 10th grade biology teacher ms patterson and she tried to make me promise not to smash it 

i usually dont make promises because i know something will try to make me break them

i don't recall if i agreed to the promise or not, or if this was one of the instances where i learned not to promise anything

we kept the pumpkin on the beverly's porch and when it began getting old we smashed it, possibly on cabbage stalk night

it was ms (jan) aronson who was our bcc creative writing teacher that got our class and i to start writing journals in the first place and in the 1990s her son in law (she was 'single but seeing someone' when we had the class just before she married mr bronfman) sold seagram's and bought vivendi, perhaps because he (edgar jr) had been writing song lyrics since 1973, and then he took charge of warner music group in 2004

- audubon

- universal music group wiki

warner brothers owned elektra records when carly simon released - 'your so vain' on elektra in 1972

i had apparently committed a formerly embarassing crime against ms aronson my senior year in highschool and the court appointed psychologist was the professor who performed the experiment done by the williams college psychology department (based in the bronfman science center) on us and i had mentioned that crime in the post

- male hysteria wiki

- power of positivity and masturbation

- masturbation, neuroses and 'hysteria

- catholics aren't allowed to masturbate

billy suffered from depression when the smashing pumpkins were making 'mellon collie and the infinite sadness'

'uncle billy', who owned the infamous timothy leary run lsd cia experiment house 'millbrook' was a member of the mellon family, who had owned gulf oil and mellon bank - his father was the inspiration for f scott fitzgerald's tom buchanan in 'the great gatsby'

hitchcock estate wiki

evans family

the post had also mentioned warren cable became part of general cable, and that general cable, carol cable and sprague electric all, unbeknownst to most of us, were owned by penn central, which was created by the vanderbilt family, who probably still own it

for me, 'the one small point everyone's been missing 'round here' in the goo goo doll's song was that sprague's was closing and the city was about to die (it was saved by the williams college art department and mass moca)

i was very angry when i wrote the words, because our home had just been condemned by the building inspector who allegedly was from north adams but who i later came to find out was probably the french canadian paul lepage, who eventually became the governor of maine, and whose 1991 obit as 'dick malivaise' said he lived in berlin, new york which is on the western border of williamstown

the boston phoenix did a two part article on lepage before it went out of business stating that lepage had worked 'as a government building executive in massachusetts in the 1980s'

most of you don't know acadians and maybe french canadians, still hate what they call 'brits' for 'le grande derangement'

her (ms aronson's) son in law might have sold seagram's because keith raneire's mom died of alcoholism and raneire apparently enslaved the younger bronfman's 2 sisters at nxivm

that was [this post you are reading] the post the hacker had taken down

'what a long strange trip it has been'

- jan aronson is a successful artist, illustrator and author living in earnest hemmingway's ketchum, idaho

in the page that was stolen, i mentioned that john hammond was the cousin of the former williams college minister who had been the inspiration for the reverend scott sloan character in doonesbury, william sloane coffin,  who in real life had transferred from williams to yale university to be the minister there, where he had received his divinity degree

the cousin became a close friend of george herbert walker bush, who got the cousin into the skull and bones secret society and later the cousin would become a cia case officer before becoming a peace activist

i also showed links that said john hinkley jr and george scherff jr (whom otto skorzney allegedly claimed was vice president george h w bush at the time of the assassination attempt) were  nazis when former president reagan was almost assassinated and that hinkley's brother, who was the vice president of vanderbilt oil company (named for the university which had been hinckley senior's alma mater), was about to have dinner with vice president george h w bush's son neil the night after president reagan was shot

henry was kris's lab partner in the first chemistry semester, and henry, who was also from stockbridge, had dropped out of harvard after his roommate committed suicide

when students commit suicide at harvard, their roommates are given perfect 4.0 gpa s for that semester 

henry was an english major and gave dave and i a copy of the book 'the hundredth monkey' which is how i learned of the theory the book promotes that once a certain number of a species learn a new idea or technique that is successful, it spreads somehow throughout the species even when other members aren't in contact

'the hundredth monkey' was also a treatise against nuclear proliferation

i once asked henry what iambic pentameter was and he rattled off the cadence off the top of his head

henry, i and our env sci teacher charlie weinstein were playing pickup basketball in the bcc gym one afternoon when henry accidently broke my nose

i believe i also wrote the words to u2's 'the sweetest thing' when i still had two black eyes from that accident (i have brown eyes and the girl i was thinking about when i wrote them had blue eyes - bono has blue eyes and his wife ali has brown eyes)

i was really into eye color at the time and began studying eyes - the girl i stalked / obsessed over at that time had amazing eyes - i didn't know that when i decided to become infatuated with her, and she would stare right at you as you talked to her with her pupils dilated and then we learned in ecology that the alleles for eyes cause people to have blue eyes 1/4 as often as people with brown eyes, and because of that blue eyes would one day disappear from the human race, even though we are all born with blue eyes

i began learning about rod and cone cells and that our eyes were made to see best and felt most comfortable in a boreal forest and that people's eyes dialate when they feel love (or are high on drugs)

the girl's eyes were always dialated, no matter who she was talking to

perhaps coincidentally, i just drew this to post in the learn to become an artist fb group

there was a drawing which was a poster for safe sex in the activities office where i did work study, - where i recall writing a number of the lyrics when i was supposed to be doing work study - of a young man with blond hair and brown eyes riding a bicycle built for two with a cute girl riding on the seat in front with light brown hair and blue eyes and the young man was grinning lasciviously and staring naughtily at the girl's butt, while the girl looked innocently but with a whimsical, kind of concerned expression back over her shoulder, and i remember thinking about that drawing when i believe i wrote those lyrics

i just realized the guy in the above drawing reminds me of the expression on the young man's face in the bicycle drawing


- drawing ms gail

- 4 girls

back to song of songs

  Ann Diamond 'The Man Next Door' Blog and book by the neighbor of Leonard Cohen.