Thursday, February 18, 2021


- from 'so watch'ya readin' fb group

'cugel's saga'

when i was in jail and psychotic after receiving a hypnotic trigger in clearwater the girl that came to my cell that looked like the receptionist at carol cable during the late 80s who would blink every time i said something should be done - and later they all came true - only i realized a few years ago i was probably unconscious when i met her there after having been strapped to a restraining board and given a shot in the butt that knocked me out because i had tried to kill myself when i had thought she was being tortured and i had heard her voice tell me to because she thought i gave in to the torturers' demands - asked me what my favorite book was and i said 'cugel's saga'

5 years later i was up at 1:00 am cooking some burgers in the trailer in the trailer park next to the seafood restaurant where gandy blvd meets 4th street in st pete and cugel knocked on my door holding a bottle of beer from the restaurant and he starts banging on the door yelling at me to let him in so i called 911 and he left

  Ann Diamond 'The Man Next Door' Blog and book by the neighbor of Leonard Cohen.