Sunday, April 28, 2019

russiagate got top fbi officials removed

why did trump fire jeff sesions and rosenstien ?

why did trump fire comey & mccabe ?

why were peter strzock and lisa page forced out of the fbi for investigating russiagate ?

Friday, April 26, 2019

williams college fb says


there was a roman a clef book allegedly written about the bronfmans called 'solomon gurske was here'

matthew, stephen, samuel 2 and edgar bronfman attended williams college and dr ewen cameron practiced in albany where nexivm and clare bronfman are in the news

edgar and his brother robert also attended mcgill university where dr ewen cameron performed his mk ultra experiments which williams grad richard helms destroyed the records of

a beineke was a year behind us on our 8th grade mt greylock track team i dont remember his first name just that we called him barnacle bill

edgar bronfman's 's 2nd wife had been married to leonard cohen's cousin

leonard cohen was experimented upon at mcgill university as part of early mk ultra

began following s j gurske around 2012 on google+ - evocotive, haunting posts from someone who appeared to have the same psych condition

samuel 2 was kidnapped the summer after graduating from williams college !

edgar bronfman, jr's 2nd cousin jeffrey bronfman also belongs to a strange vegetable organization - that is trying to create sustainable communities by worshipping vegetables and drinking bad tasting hallucinagenic tea

matthew bronfman founded bronfman rothchilds

bronfman science center

the observer says nxivm is a libertarian slaver scam and clare's father edgar sr said hypnotism helped him quit smoking

Melissa Maroff

hillary lived in the same chicago neighborhood as loyal davis, the oss brain surgeon who somehow changed reagan from a good lib to an arch conservative after reagan signed a contract with g e

clare bronfman was hypnotized and neuro linguistically programmed by a libertarian who wanted heiress sex slaves

her family is jewish and the blood of the lamb on the door post meat passover jesus replaced with the vegan eucharist celebrated the jewish people's escape from slavery with god's help

  Ann Diamond 'The Man Next Door' Blog and book by the neighbor of Leonard Cohen.