Sunday, February 25, 2018


LD50: [of risperidone]~30 (mg/kg) iv in mice

" In toxicology, the median lethal doseLD50(abbreviation for "lethal dose, 50%"), LC50(lethal concentration, 50%) or LCt50 is a measure of the lethal dose of a toxinradiation, or pathogen. The value of LD50 for a substance is the dose required to kill half the members of a tested population after a specified test duration. "

so i went to church today hoping to find the strength to email dr crider

i think that was the name of the counselor from williams who was counseling pro bono at bcc

mostly what pastor frank and joanne talked about today were forgiveness and not calling people fools

joanne's husband is in the hospital with what sounds like a serious problem with his heart and she asks for prayers - plz remember to pray in secret

so i guess i am fortunate to only have my little problem which i can do something about by finally contacting dr crider

hi dr crider i hope you are well

i am  interested in a study on hypnotism i recall being involved in during my sophomore year at mt greylock, which would have been around 1978

here is the link to the blog where i've been trying to piece together what appears to be a science fiction story of a puzzle and i had hoped you could shed some light on what's been going on for us all

thank you again and best wishes

williams college directory
psychology: faculty and staff

Andrew Crider
Mary A. & William Wirt Warren Professor Psychology, Emeritus
Psychology Department

Saturday, February 10, 2018

so i came out as vegetarian and schizophrenic in 2012 after going off my meds in 2011 and was kicked off food stamps, evicted, shot at, hit by cars 3 times in one day, had my blood stolen, arrested for getting a cup of coffee from a dumpster, not allowed to enter the polling place to vote, set a fishing hut on fire trying to boil some eggs - they came out perfect - the shells just fell off the next morning when i found them...banned from over 7 places ( oddly not from where i had set the fishing hut on fire ) lost 3 girlfriends, went through a hurricane laying under two tarps, lost 5 phones, had a bank not give me my $7 dollars because i didn't have i d because they had the i d in their vault, which is why i had to get the coffee from the dumpster, lost the feeling in the soles of my feet, tried to kill myself with a pair of vice grips

all because i had felt i needed to go off meds to find out what was wrong both with me and the world

what i found was my meds, that I'm back on now until i can find a better way,  were tested on animals...

Victoria Everett remedies schizophrenia with a raw vegan diet

back to story back to vegetarian diet

Thursday, February 8, 2018

" Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. " - genesis 9:3

veggie life

to this post to copy paste:

- vegan taco meat

80 year old vegan mimi kirk

- vegans live longer

'"Talk of the Town" was inspired by a fan Chrissie Hynde had encountered on the band's first tour. She explained in a BBC Songwriters' Circle special, "I had in mind this kid who used to stand outside the soundchecks on our first tour... I never spoke to him. I remember that the last time I saw him I just left him standing in the snow, I never had anything to say to him. I kind of wrote this for him, so, in the unlikely event that you're watching this, I did think about you."[3] It was also rumored that the song was written about Kinks frontman Ray Davies, whom Hynde would date and have a child with.[2] The title itself was inspired by a London nightclub of the same name.[2][3]'

- vegan chrissie hynde wiki

grace slick, colin kaepernick, rob zombie, venus williams, morrissey,  coretta scott king and chrissie hynde are vegans

famous vegetarians: kate bush, voltaire, percy bysche shelley, martha quinn, leonardo, pythagoras, susan sarandon, method man, eddie vedder, joan armatrading, plutarch, elvis costello and rosanna arquette

vegan recipes with important vegan nutrition requirements below 

" vegetarians have about half the cancer risk of meat eaters " - physician's committee for responsible medicine citing :

make a meme


vegetarians have 42% less risk of heart disease  according to the american heart association citing :

- aha journal originally published june 18, 2018

- bored panda


a vegetarian diet has 20% less risk of type ll diabetes and a healthy vegetarian diet 34% less risk of type ll diabetes, according to medical news today citing:

- plos medicine  june 16, 2016

me . me


   " It appears from a comparison of these two statements that after the Flood, God changed the order that had been established in the Garden of Eden. Before the Fall and, presumably, after the Fall until the Flood, men were to be, by God’s decree, vegetarians. "

- james r hughes why meat web january 19, 2004

every 3% increase in plant based protien diet equals a 10% reduced risk of death from all causes :

link between meat, heart disease and e d

'every 3% increase in plant based diet = a 10% reduced risk of death:


top vegan memes

the bell tower times

delicious and easy vegan recipies

there's a story how this info came to my attention and if you want to read it i'll try to tell it here

hillary is a walmart board member and bill is vegan:

elephant cries after being freed

- village vegan

vegans should know about 'better than boullion' vegetable boullion gravy

with a 3/4 teaspoon of vegetable boullion

i add pinch of garlic powder, a teaspoon of onion powder, a half teaspoon of ground cayanne pepper, a cup of coffee, half a cup of red wine, a tablespoon of canola oil and maybe one and a half tablespoons of corn starch, heat and stir occasionally

lots of salt tho

someone should make a salt free version, then you could add salt to taste

so i found if you put the $1 family dollar frozen stirfry vegetable blend and the $1 family dollar pepper stir fry vegetable blend into a crock pot with a bunch of soy sauce and a little canola oil and 2 cups of water and let it boil down - it comes out hearty, savory and delicious

add salt to taste/blood pressure level


Vegetarians Are Better Off

" All the evidence points to a low-fat, high-fiber diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, as being the best for cancer prevention. Not surprisingly, vegetarians, whose diets easily meet these requirements, are at the lowest risk for cancer. Vegetarians have about half the cancer risk of meat-eaters.11 "

" vegetarians have about half the cancer risk of meat eaters " - physician's committee for responsible medicine citing :

11. Phillips RL. Role of lifestyle and dietary habits in risk of cancer among Seventh-day Adventists. Cancer Res. 1975;35(Suppl):3513-3522.

" The study looked at five different dietary patterns and, according to the author, found that people who ate a plant-based diet most of the time had a 42 percent decreased risk of developing heart failure over the four years of the study, compared to people who ate fewer plant-based foods.  "

" When the researchers split the plant-based diets into healthier and unhealthier versions, they found that it impacted heavily on the risk of type 2 diabetes. Healthy plant-based diets produced a 34 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, and the less healthy plant-based diets were linked to a 16 percent increased risk of the condition. "

" Plant-Based Dietary Patterns and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in US Men and Women: Results from Three Prospective Cohort Studies "

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

" The risks reduction of diabetes for lacto-ovo-vegetarians varied between 38% and 61%; and 47% to 78% for vegans.  "

  Ann Diamond 'The Man Next Door' Blog and book by the neighbor of Leonard Cohen.